• Wednesday, May 25, 2011

      Ill-Effects of Poor Web Site Design

      It’s very important for a business owner to understand the impact of poor web site design on the visitor retention. If you want your web site to be an important and successful part of your business, ensure yourself to work with your web site designer in order to develop a web site design that keep your visitors intact and interested in your website.

      Home page is an important part of any website as it is the first point of interaction between the Website and the visitor which ultimately leads to a potential customer. Ensure the homepage to be interesting and engaging, else one may find that the customers do not navigate further from home page. Take an example of this, as looking for a car. The first impression is look of the car. If the customer is not satisfied with the look, he will not go about the features of the car. That’s why it is important to ensure that any web site design puts enough emphasis on the home page.

      It is very important that the web site loads quickly. Most of the visitors have the concentration span of maximum 10 seconds and if your website takes it longer to load they will go for other alternatives! Most of the people have good internet connections, which offer a great speed and thus paving a way to use lots of graphics in web site design. A lot of website designers are now using images on the homepage. I would recommend that one should go for web optimised graphics. It leads to a good website design and also reducing the loading time.
      Keep the background of any web site white or in very light colours, as people come to a web site to research on the products and services and if website design uses dark colours the visitors will not be able to read. It will ultimately defeat the purpose of providing information through the website! Also the font of the text should be in dark colour, to facilitate the visitors to read it.
      Your website should be easy to navigate. Developing a great website design where people can’t navigate easily through a website may lead to increase the bounce rate. Ensure your website designer to develop a website design with easy site navigation and thus no information is more than three clicks away.

      When designing an E-commerce website, the fact that should be kept in mind is that it should be easy for customers to buy stuff from the website. One should have clear and prompt “Buy Now” and “Add to cart” links so that people can simply make a purchase. This might sound small but is very important for a good web site design for an E-commerce store.

      Make sure that there is enough information about the contact person and the business on the website. It is important that the customers gain confidence in the Seller when they visit the web site. Tell them what your mission is? And what values your business has? Also when it comes to serving your customers? Tell visitors how you are more qualified than the competitor, in providing product or services they are looking for.


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